Did you know that a bad bite can eventually lead to serious conditions like temporomandibular joint dysfunction? The symptoms of an off bite aren’t always obvious. You may have lived with a less-than-ideal bite for years and not known about it. We’ll cover the signs and symptoms of an underbite, overbite, and other alignment problems. SmilePath clear braces offer a cost-effective treatment that addresses the misalignments that can negatively affect your smile.
Signs and Symptoms of a Bad Bite
Even if you think that you have straight teeth, minor misalignments can throw off how well your upper and lower jaws align. A dentist can check your bite, but many people don’t seek dental checkups unless they experience serious dental issues. Dentists refer to proper dental alignments as occlusion. Crooked teeth can lead to a malocclusion that disrupts your jaw’s ability to open and close with ease. Here are a few of the more common types of tooth misalignments you may experience.
The anterior teeth on the upper arch are supposed to slightly overlap the lower arch. An overbite occurs when the upper teeth significantly extend beyond the lower arch. This creates a gap between your anterior teeth that can make it difficult to speak and chew with ease. An overbite creates the appearance that someone has “buck teeth.” SmilePath aligners can correct this form of malocclusion.
An underbite is basically the opposite of an overbite. People with this condition have a lower jaw that protrudes forward relative to the upper jaw. This condition can create significant eating problems and distortions of facial symmetry. Fortunately, the vast majority of underbite issues can be addressed through orthodontic treatments using clear aligners.
Crossbite refers to the dental misalignment that results in one or more upper teeth resting behind the lower arch. This is often found with anterior teeth. A crossbite is cosmetically unattractive, and the misalignments can result in difficulty eating and chewing.
Symptoms of a Bad Bite
Symptoms of a bad bite can manifest in many ways. Misaligned teeth often cause the upper and lower jaws to not properly align. Those alignment issues can result in sore or tender jaw muscles. Headaches are another symptom of a bad bite. The proximity of the TMJs to the brain is one reason that mild or serious headaches can arise as the result of dental misalignments. Other common issues include speech impediments or difficulty chewing. Clear speech results from the interactions between other vocal cords, mouth, tongue, and teeth. Letters “s” and “z” can be particularly hard for individuals with crooked anterior teeth to pronounce. Many of our customers notice improved speech clarity following orthodontic treatment using our clear aligners. They often did not even realize that their speech problems resulted from their dental issues.
What Are Risks Involved with a Bad Bite?
A bad bite can lead to a wide range of oral health issues. Premature wear and tear on your enamel can leave you vulnerable to tooth decay.
An off bite can result in a condition called bruxism. Individuals who have misaligned jaws may clench their jaw muscles late at night. This can lead to further dental erosion or even chipped teeth.
TMJ Disorder
Another serious condition that can result from bite alignment issues is called TMJ disorder. The condition affects the joints on either side of your head. When the TMJs do not work properly, individuals afflicted with the condition may experience jaw pain, headaches, difficulty fully opening their jaws, and other serious and often painful symptoms. Left untreated, TMJ disorder can lead to permanent damage to the TMJs and possibly the need for jaw surgery. One way to prevent these jaw-related problems is by correcting your bite using SmilePath’s cost-effective clear aligners.
What Are My Treatment Options for a Bad Bite?
The vast majority of jaw-alignment and bite problems are caused by crooked teeth. If your teeth are crowded or misaligned, you have two basic options: traditional metal braces and clear aligners.
Traditional Metal Braces
Traditional metal braces typically cost between several thousand dollars and ten thousand dollars or more. Much of those costs are attributed to the need for an orthodontist to attach, adjust, and remove the appliances.
SmilePath’s Clear Braces
SmilePath’s clear braces work differently. Our FlexPlan, for example, starts at only $87 a month. We are able to bring our customers drastic savings because we do not require our customers to visit the dentist or orthodontist. We start by mailing an impression kit to your home. Once the kit is returned, our technicians fabricate custom clear aligners that are worn daily for a few months or several months.
Enjoy a Better Bite
With each new tray, you’ll notice that your teeth become straighter and better aligned. Just as importantly, you’ll notice that your bite improves! Many of our customers notice improved speech clarity and chewing ability following their orthodontic treatment. By wearing your retainers every night, you can enjoy your more attractive smile and improved bite for a lifetime!
Enhance Your Smile Using SmilePath’s Clear Aligners
A bad bite is more than a cosmetic problem. Misaligned teeth can lead to jaw problems and worn tooth enamel. If you have experienced any of the symptoms mentioned in this article, it may be time to have your teeth straightened. SmilePath offers a cost-effective and safe means of improving your bite. Chewing may become easier, and you’ll lower your risk of developing serious conditions like bruxism and TMJ disorder. Take the first step by taking our free online Smile Assessment. Who knows, you may be an ideal candidate for this amazing and affordable orthodontic treatment option.