Braces or Aligners: Which Will Give You the Perfect Smile

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Braces or aligners?

Is smile self-reflection making you feel good? Consider this: All of a sudden, you flip through Instagram stories or selfies. Unfavorably, your teeth steal the show. Alternatively, you could be beaming broadly in a wedding photo and then later find yourself embarrassed of your less-than-ideal teeth. But do not worry— achieving the perfect smile with over braces vs aligners is about to take place. In this blog, an in-depth discussion on clear aligners vs traditional braces seeks to shed light on the pros and cons of each dental alignment method, giving you the knowledge you need to make an educated decision that takes your lifestyle, and dental health objectives into account. Turn those shy smiles into self-assured grins and groove your way to the ideal smile!

Take a Free Smile Assessment today to begin your teeth straightening journey.

What are Braces?

Your teeth will be straightened via dental braces, which also address a variety of orthodontic problems, like:

  • Uneven teeth.
  • teeth that are crowded.
  • Teeth gaps.
  • Problems with how your teeth fit together are known as malocclusion.

Braces are common in adults as well as children and teenagers. The truth is that adults over the age of 18 make up 20% of orthodontic patients in Australia.

Types of Braces

One thing to consider when comparing braces vs aligners is that braces aren’t only the flashy metal objects you may recall from your childhood. No, they’ve changed! These days, you have choices:

  • Conventional Metal Braces: They are attached to the front of your teeth using metal brackets and wires.
  • Ceramic Braces: They are a little less noticeable because they use brackets that are transparent or tooth-colored.
  • Lingual Braces: A covert option! Since lingual braces are positioned beneath your teeth, they are essentially undetachable to the naked eye.

The Function of Braces

The braces work by moving your teeth using an arrangement of bands, wires, and brackets. After the wires are put through the brackets, your teeth are affixed to them. With time, your teeth will be gently forced into the proper place by the slight pressure these wires apply. See it like a little prod in the right direction.

Young woman proudly flaunts her braces

Benefits and Drawbacks of Braces


When comparing braces vs. aligners, braces stand out more, but they also provide some benefits that make them a dependable option for most orthodontic patients. Now let's examine the benefits of braces:

Appropriate for Every Treatment

Braces are highly adaptable and can handle a variety of orthodontic problems, regardless of how complicated they are. Therefore, braces may be the best option if you need to solve a more complex orthodontic issue.


Compared to transparent aligners, traditional braces are typically more affordable. Because of their low cost, they are an acceptable option for people seeking an affordable way to straighten their teeth.

No Reliance on Patient Compliance

Since braces are attached to the teeth, patient compliance is not a requirement for their effectiveness. This can be especially helpful for younger patients who may find it difficult to handle the responsibilities that detachable options involve.


Even while braces have many advantages, you should weigh any potential drawbacks before deciding to wear one. Let's examine the drawbacks of conventional braces in more detail:

The Visual Appeal of Braces

One of the most often disadvantages of traditional braces is how they look. The obvious metal brackets and wires make some people feel self-conscious, especially in social or professional contexts. This is something to consider if the appearance of your orthodontic treatment is important to you.

Brushing your Teeth

Compared to aligners, braces can be a little trickier to keep your teeth clean. Food particles and plaque can collect in the nooks and crannies created by brackets and wires. Using the right brushing and flossing procedures is crucial to avoiding gum disease, discoloration, and decay.

Nutrition and Meal Planning

There are food limitations when wearing braces. Foods that are chewy, sticky, or hard may cause damage to the archwire or push a bracket out of place. These occurrences may cause your treatment to take longer to resolve until the problems are fixed.

Understanding Aligners

A more stylish and discrete substitute for traditional braces is aligners. This is how they function:

  • Customization: A thorough 3D scan of your mouth is done before starting an aligner treatment. The template for creating your customized aligners is this scan.
  • Personalized Aligners: A pair of personalized aligners is made especially for your particular dental needs based on the scan. The sequence of aligners is made to gradually change the locations of your teeth with each one.
  • Gradual Progress: In contrast to braces, which are installed once, aligner treatment calls for a sequence of aligners, each somewhat different from the last. Together, these aligners will progressively reposition your teeth into the proper position.
Clear Aligners
Young girl holding Clear Aligners

The Process of Gradual Movement

When contrasting braces and aligners, keep in mind that aligners use a modest but efficient method of teeth straightening. Your teeth move slightly with every aligner in the series. It resembles a gradual, continuous journey to your dream smile

Before switching to the following set of aligners, you usually wear each set for one to two weeks. Here, consistency is essential; the finest outcomes will come from adhering to your orthodontist's instructions. Additionally, invisible braces are manufactured to exactly fit your teeth, so their design prioritizes your comfort.

Braces vs Aligners: Benefits and Drawbacks of Aligners


When comparing braces vs. aligners, aligners provide several advantages that make them a desirable alternative for people undergoing orthodontic treatment. Among these benefits are:

Almost Invisible Feature

The fact that aligners are discrete is one of their biggest benefits. Aligners are transparent and almost undetectable, in contrast to regular braces, which can be very apparent. This function is especially valuable to adults who might not want to draw attention to their orthodontic treatment.

Keeping Your Mouth Clean

Maintaining clean teeth is a breeze when you use aligners. Just like you did before orthodontic treatment, you take out your aligners to brush and floss. You can continue to follow your regular and efficient Oral hygiene schedule since there are no brackets or wires to get in the way.

Fewer Visits to Orthodontists

With aligners, you may need fewer in-person visits to your orthodontist than you would with traditional braces. Before you even begin wearing your aligners, a lot of preparation and customizing takes place. All you have to do is follow your orthodontist's instructions regarding when to go on to the next set once your series is ready.


While aligners have many benefits, it's important to consider the drawbacks as well to make an informed decision about your orthodontic treatment.

Self-control Requirement

Wearing the aligners for the full 22 hours a day is suggested for maximum effectiveness of clear aligners. A patient who is responsible and committed is needed for this level of discipline.

Higher Cost

Considering that each set of aligners is made to order and that treatment planning requires sophisticated technology, clear aligners are typically more costly than traditional braces.

Restrictions in Complex Cases

Not every orthodontic situation is a good fit for aligners. They are generally advised for problems ranging from simple to quite difficult. Speak with your orthodontist before choosing aligners to find out if they can accomplish the same goals as traditional braces or other techniques in your particular situation.

Things to Take Into Account Before Selecting Your Orthodontic Treatment

Several things need to be taken into account while choosing between aligners and traditional braces:

  • Severity of Orthodontic Concern: Aligners are a good option for mild to moderate orthodontic issues, while traditional braces are usually advised for more complicated instances. Consult with Smilepath Australia to find the best choice for your dental needs.
  • Aesthetics and Comfort: Invisible braces are discrete and irritation-free design may be a good option if the appearance and comfort of your orthodontic treatment are important concerns.
  • Cost and Insurance Coverage: Determine which choice makes the most financial sense for you by analyzing your insurance coverage and budget.
  • Factors related to lifestyle: Consider how your habits, pastimes, and daily schedule may affect your orthodontic treatment. For example, the removable aligners offered by aligners may be more suitable for people who play wind instruments or contact sports.
Reach us at 1300 404 171 to achieve a Straighter and Brighter Smile!

Both clear aligners and traditional braces can successfully straighten your teeth and improve the appearance of your smile. You can choose the ideal orthodontic option for your particular circumstance by considering the advantages and disadvantages of each procedure and speaking with your dentist. At SmilePath Australia, we aim to provide our patients with a full range of dental services, individualized attention, and the most recent developments in orthodontic treatment so they can have gorgeous, healthy smiles.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which is more beneficial for me: aligners or braces?

The decision is based on several variables, including your lifestyle, personal preferences, and orthodontic needs. Choosing the right solution for your smile goals might be made easier by speaking with an orthodontist.

2. What is the typical duration of therapy for braces or aligners?

The length of treatment varies based on each instance, however, it usually lasts anywhere from a few months to several years.