Fix Your Crossbite with Smilepath Australia’s Clear Aligners

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Fix Your Crossbite with Smilepath Australia’s Clear Aligners

Crossbite occurs when one or more upper teeth bite on the inside of lower teeth, either in the front or back of the mouth. Crossbite causes an irregular bite, which affects the aesthetics of your smile and the function of your teeth and jaws. It is not just a reason for embarrassment, it also affects your oral health, chewing, and even speaking abilities. If you don't treat it on time it can lead to serious dental problems. If you are suffering from crossbite don't worry, this can be resolved in months without any pain, surgery, dental visits, or any expensive treatment.

Symptom of Crossbite

Upper teeth biting on the inside of lower teeth is the biggest symptom of crossbite. The look can be different depending on the severity and the affected teeth. It can lead to serious dental issues:

  • Tooth wear
  • Gum recession
  • Jaw pain
  • Difficulty in chewing
  • Enamel breakdown
  • Cavities
  • Uneven jaw growth
  • Jaw shifting to one side
  • Unbalanced facial features
  • Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD)

Types of crossbite

There are two types of crossbite:

1. Anterior Crossbite

If one or more of your lower front teeth are in front of your upper front teeth, you have an anterior crossbite. This is a dental condition where you’ll need teeth straightening, but it doesn't involve any jaw misalignment.

2. Posterior Crossbite

If your lower back teeth come in front of your upper back teeth, this is called a posterior crossbite.

Causes of Crossbite

There can be many reasons for crossbite, you might have one or more of these:


Some families have crossbite or any kind of misalignment in their genes. So multiple family members can have crossbite naturally. However, it should be treated to prevent any serious dental problems.

Eating and cleaning Habits

Your eating and cleaning habits play an important role. Eating a lot of sweets, hot and cold beverages, and not brushing your teeth can weaken your teeth, leading to crowding and crossbiting.

Jaw and teeth development

Irregular teeth and jaw development can cause crossbite. For example, losing your milk teeth very late, or delayed development of adult teeth.

Thumb-sucking during childhood

The habit of thumb-sucking is another big reason for the occurrence of crossbite. It constantly applies pressure on your lower teeth and upper jaw, which narrows down the upper jaw and tilts the lower teeth forward to create malocclusion.

Why Crossbite Needs Treatment?

You have to treat crossbite as early as possible because it can lead to serious dental issues. It can affect your smile, kill your confidence, affect the functionality of your bite, and lead to oral health issues. Crossbite can lead to:

Uneven Wear

Crossbite can cause uneven wear and tear on the surface of enamel which can lead to further dental problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, and even tooth loss.

Jaw Pain

Crossbite can cause discomfort and jaw pain while speaking or chewing.

Speech Problems

When it comes to sounds like "s," "z," and "sh," which require the top and lower teeth to come together, crossbite can lead to speech issues. This may result in social anxiety and communication problems.

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder:

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which joins the jaw to the skull, may be strained by a crossbite. This may eventually result in TMJ dysfunction, which can cause jaw pain and restricted movement.

Self-Esteem Issues

Self-esteem problems and social anxiety might result from crossbite's impact on the smile's appearance.

Treatment Options for Crossbite


Braces are the most common treatment for crossbite. They are wired metal wires fixed in your mouth. They apply constant pressure on your teeth and jaws to bring them to the right position.

woman using braces to treat crossbite
closeup of a woman's teeth with braces

They can align your teeth but they are uncomfortable, expensive, and a reason for embarrassment in public. Imagine someone noticing a set of wires in your mouth. Your favorite food will stick in the wires of braces for hours or even days. Brushing your teeth will be difficult as well. You will feel some pain in your teeth and jaws as well.

How Does it Work?

A dentist will place braces on your teeth, which you will wear for an extended period, depending on the degree of your crossbite. Braces will gently press on your jaw and teeth to gradually put them into the right position.

Required Time

Braces can take a year to 3 or even more to align your teeth, depending on the severity of your case.

Cost of Braces

Braces can cost from $5000-$9000 or even more depending on the types of braces, the severity of your case, and the dentist you choose.


  • Effectively correcting misaligned teeth.
  • Improve oral hygiene by resolving crossbite.
  • Improve the appearance of your smile while also increasing your self-confidence.
  • Braces will straighten your teeth over time.


  • Braces are a bit painful and impose many restrictions.
  • Wearing braces can be unpleasant, especially at first.
  • To avoid harm, avoid meals that are sticky or firm.
  • Brushing and flossing take extra effort to maintain dental hygiene.
  • Regular visits to the dentist are required for modifications and monitoring.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are a new treatment for tooth crowding. Instead of metal wires bonded to your teeth, invisible trays look much better. Clear aligners use light pressure to straighten your teeth in the same manner as braces do, but they are easier, more comfortable, and less expensive.

How Does it Work?

Like braces, aligners provide moderate pressure to move your teeth and jaws into the proper position. Clear aligners, instead of wires, are constructed of plastic trays that you wear for 22 hours daily and change every two weeks.

Different Types of Aligners

There are two types of aligners at SmilePath Australia:

  • All-Day Aligners: You must wear them all day, at least 20-22 hours for 4-6 months.
  • Night-Only Aligners: You have to wear Night-only aligners for 10-12 hours at night for 6-8 months.

Required Time

Clear aligners can take 4-8 months depending on the severity of your case and the type of aligners you choose.

Cost of Aligners

SmilePath Australia offers two types of aligners: All-day aligners for and Night-only aligners for .Installment plans are also available for your convenience at SmilePath Australia.


  • Aligners are affordable
  • Aligners are comfortable to wear
  • You can eat and drink easily, with no restrictions on eating
  • They are invisible so you can smile confidently
  • They need less time to align their teeth
  • No dental visits needed


  • Aligners are removable, so you need the dedication to wear them for at least 20-22 hours daily.
  • You have to remove them before eating or drinking anything.
  • You have to change the trays every two weeks.
Do You Want A Perfect Smile?

Order our affordable Clear Aligners today! Choose a payment plan that best suits your budget.

Receive your smile treatment now

Palatal Expanders

A palatal expander is an orthodontic device that is used to expand a narrow upper jaw. This is mostly suitable for patients from 8-12 years of age but they are used for adults as well.

How Does it Work?

It is placed on the roof of your mouth and it applies pressure on your upper jaw to expand it. Gradually, it helps your jaw reach its normal size to treat the crossbite.

Types of Palatal Expanders

There are several types of palatal expanders but the most common ones are:

  • Removable palate expander
  • Rapid palate expander
  • Surgically assisted rapid palate expander (SARPE)
  • Implant-supported palate expander

Required Time

It totally depends on the severity of your case, including factors such as the size of your jaw, age, and type of palatal expander used. It can take weeks, months, or even years.

Cost of Palatal Expanders

A palatal expander can cost from $800 to $2500 or even more, depending on the type of expander you buy.

Orthodontic Surgery

Orthodontic surgery is the final option for aligning your teeth. It is only required if your teeth are overcrowded or your crossbite can't be treated with other methods. Surgery is required for serious dental disorders, such as skeletal issues that impair tooth and jaw alignment. Examples include impacted wisdom teeth, severe periodontitis, jawbone difficulties, and oral cancer.

Required Time

It's a surgical process so it can be done in hours, but it will take days and weeks, sometimes even months to recover. However, the results are generally quick.

Cost of Dental Surgery

Depending on the severity of your problem, where you live, and your dentist, orthodontic surgery can cost anywhere from $6000 to $15,000 or even more in Australia.


Major and severe dental issues require dental surgery. Dental surgery can improve the functionality of your bite, and solve all your dental problems to give you a perfect smile.


  • It can take weeks to recover.
  • It can be very expensive.

What's the Best Treatment Option for Crossbite?

Let's compare the methods to treat crossbite.

Treatment How It Works Time Required Cost Pros Cons
Braces Metal wires apply constant pressure to teeth and jaws to move them into position. 1-3+ years $5,000 - $9,000+ Effectively aligns teeth, and improves smile and oral hygiene Painful, uncomfortable, visible wires, food restrictions, difficult cleaning, costly.
Clear Aligners Plastic trays apply light pressure to align teeth; worn 20-22 hours/day and changed every 2 weeks. 4-8 months - (SmilePath) Comfortable, invisible, easy to remove for eating, fewer restrictions, affordable, quick. Requires dedication to wear consistently, must remove before eating, frequent tray changes.
Palatal Expanders Expands narrow upper jaw by applying pressure; suited for children and some adults. Weeks to years $800 - $2,500+ Corrects structural issues in children, non-invasive. Limited to specific cases, uncomfortable, longer duration.
Orthodontic Surgery Surgical adjustment of teeth or jawbones for severe dental issues. Hours for surgery; weeks/months for recovery $6,000 - $15,000+ Resolves severe dental issues, quick results post-recovery. Expensive, invasive, lengthy recovery, risk of complications.

After comparing costs, required time, pros and cons, we can confidently say that clear aligners are the best solution to treat crossbite.

Why Choose SmilePath for Crossbite Treatment?

Now that we’ve determined that aligners are the best method to treat mild to moderate crossbite, you might be wondering why chose Smilepath over the other brands.

SmilePath is the best choice because of so many reasons. Here are a few:


Aligners typically cost from $2500 to $9000 in Australia, but clear aligners at SmilePath Australia start at just .

Installments Plans Available

For your convenience SmilePath offers installment plans, starting from as little as $73/month at no extra cost or $22 every fortnight.

Full Remote Treatment

We offer 100% remote treatment. SmilePath doesn’t need you to visit a dentist. We will send you everything required for your treatment at your home.

Customized Treatment

At SmilePath the aligners are made after taking your precise impressions so that you will get the best fitting.

Expert Dentists

Your treatment plan will be reviewed and approved by the licensed dentists in Australia.

24/7 Customer Support

You can get all your queries answered by the expert customer support team 24/7.

The SmilePath Process for Crossbite Treatment

steps of crossbite treatment at SmilePath
The process of crossbite treatment by SmilePath


Crossbite can lead to serious dental issues. There can be different causes of crossbite, including genetics, eating and cleaning habits, and more. It doesn’t only impact your oral health, it can also affect your smile and speaking abilities. But the good news is you can treat crossbite with multiple methods. We have determined why clear aligners are the best way to treat crossbite. SmilePath Australia offers affordable clear aligners with fully remote treatment under expert dentists.

Want to get a perfect smile?

Consult our experts to discuss your crossbite or any misalignment issue.

Call now at 1300 404 171


What is a crossbite, and what causes it?

If your lower teeth come in front of your upper teeth, it is called crossbite. Genetics, eating and cleaning habits, and irregular jaw and teeth development can be the main causes of crossbite.

Can clear aligners fix a crossbite?

Yes, clear aligners are the best way to fix a crossbite.

How long does it take to treat a crossbite with SmilePath aligners?

It can take 4-8 months depending on the severity of your case and the type of aligners you choose.

Is SmilePath suitable for severe cases of crossbite?

SmilePath clear aligners are the best for crossbite, but in severe cases, aligners do not work. You might have to undergo an orthodontic surgery or opt for other treatments.

How much does SmilePath treatment for crossbite cost in Australia?

It can cost or depending on the type of aligners you choose.

Can I use SmilePath if I have a combination of crossbite and other bite issues?

You can use it, but you have to consult a dentist for this.

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