Maintaining Oral Hygiene with Invisible Aligners

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 Oral Hygiene with Invisible Aligners


In the past few years, there has been a significant shift towards using invisible aligners as the preferred method for fixing crooked teeth – across all ages, from youngsters to grown-ups. The concept of invisible orthodontics offers numerous advantages but it's also got its rulebook for taking care of those aligners.

Have you ever wondered how to strike that balance between keeping your teeth in great shape and making sure your pearly whites stay squeaky clean? Well, guess what? We've got all the nitty-gritty details ready to share with you!

Challenges to Oral Hygiene

Clear aligners are a great way to align teeth but sometimes they can create an environment where bacteria thrive, leading to issues such as bad breath, cavities, and gum disease if proper oral care is neglected. The aligners cover the teeth and create a barrier between saliva and the enamel, potentially trapping food particles and fostering bacterial growth.

Strategies for Optimal Oral Hygiene

The following guidelines will help you keep your teeth and aligners in top condition, ensuring the best possible outcome for your treatment.

Things to Do

Regular Aligner Cleaning: Just as teeth need to be cleaned, aligners require regular maintenance. After you take out your aligners from your mouth, make sure to rinse them using lukewarm water. Brush them gently with a soft toothbrush to prevent the buildup of plaque and bacteria.

Brush and Floss: Prior to reinserting your aligners after eating, thoroughly brush and floss your teeth. This not only removes food particles but also prevents them from getting trapped between the aligners and teeth, reducing the risk of cavities and bad breath.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking water throughout the day helps maintain saliva flow, which naturally cleanses the mouth and prevents bacterial growth. It also helps reduce dry mouth, a common side effect of wearing aligners.

Use Antiseptic Mouthwash: Incorporating an antiseptic mouthwash into your routine can help control bacterial growth and maintain fresh breath.

Aligner Storage: When not wearing your aligners, store them in their protective case to prevent loss or damage. Avoid placing them in tissues or napkins, as they can easily be discarded.

Follow Instructions: Follow Instructions: Adhere to the instructions provided by your orthodontist or aligner provider. This includes wearing each set of aligners for the prescribed duration and switching to the next set as directed.

Things to Avoid

Avoid Colored or Sugary Drinks: While wearing aligners, it's advisable to avoid colored beverages, sugary drinks, and hot beverages, as they can stain or warp the aligners. If consumed, be sure to remove the aligners and rinse your mouth immediately afterward.

Limit Snacking: Minimizing snacking in between meals can help decrease how often you need to take out and put back your aligners. This helps prevent excessive wear and tear on the aligners and reduces the risk of bacterial accumulation.

Keep Aligners Away from Heat: High temperatures can cause aligners to distort or warp. Avoid leaving them in direct sunlight, hot cars, or areas with high heat.


As of now, invisible aligners are the most advanced form of teeth restructuring technique. When adhered to diligently, this approach not only helps achieve your desired dental transformation but also simplifies maintaining oral hygiene – a task often deemed challenging with conventional braces.

The best part is that these clear trays cost you 60 percent less than metal braces. If you’re willing to get that flawless smile you've always dreamed of, contact us now for a consultation or take the free assessment to check your eligibility for the treatment.


How often should I clean my aligners?

You should clean your aligners every time you remove them from your mouth. This typically includes after meals and snacks.

Can I chew gum with aligners in?

Chewing gum with aligners in is not recommended. Gum can stick to the aligners and cause damage or misalignment. It's best to remove your aligners before chewing gum and reinsert them after proper oral care.

Can I use a retainer cleaner for my aligners?

Retainer cleaners are not specifically designed for aligners and may contain ingredients that could be too harsh. It's best to stick to gentle cleaning methods recommended by your orthodontist or aligner provider.